We are so excited for the 2020 farming season. We are in the heart of the planning season are looking into all the great varieties of veggies, the many chicks, and hemp we will be ordering for this year. We have a few new things we'd love to share with you all!
First, we will be starting our first ever community supported agriculture (CSA) or Farm Share program. If you don't know what a CSA is, it is a program that allows the consumer (you) to purchase produce and goods in advance from the farmer. This provides farmers with much needed relief on over head costs in the beginning of the year. It also ensure you get fresh, delicious produce all season, or all year if that's what you prefer.
Second, we will be adding chickens and turkeys to our production schedule! We will be accepting pre-orders for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Last, we are excited to announce we will be opening the Market Stand on the farm this year. We will be offering food, artisanal sodas, sno-cones, and seasonal fare. To go along with the Stand, we will be offering many different classes and group events.
We look forward to a great year and look forward to seeing you on the farm.
